воскресенье, 31 января 2016 г.

Insurance Options

Insurance Options


Insurance Options
The economic essence of insurance is embodied in the functions that reflect the reality of public representatives
the appointment of insurance. Functions are external forms,
reveals the features of insurance as part of the (sub-
system) financial system.
The financial system, as it is known, is objectively
a tool for cost allocation. Insurance as
part of the financial system also expresses its economic
substance primarily through the distribution function. Consider
tribution function of insurance, in turn, finds
specific embodiment of the implementation of specific functions,
peculiar to insurance: risk, warning
and savings.



 Features of insurance of tourists and tourist organizations
According to the Federal Law "About bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation" the main form of security of tourists (travelers) for a temporary stay abroad is insurance. This insurance policy shall provide for payment of medical care to tourists and other property reimbursement expenses when the insured event directly to the country of temporary residence. The insurance policy must be issued in Russian and the state language of the country of temporary residence. Failure to do so deprives the tourists the right to receive payment when the insured event.
Travel insurance - a special type of insurance that provides insurance protection of property interests of citizens during their tourist travel, travel, shop tours and others. It refers to risk insurance.
Features of insurance in tourism:
- Riskiness;
- Short-term (not more than 6 months);
- A greater degree of uncertainty of the time of the insured event and the magnitude of potential damage.
Types of insurance risks for travelers:
- Sudden acute illness;
- accident;
- Loss of luggage and other property;
- The lack of snow in the ski resorts;
- The inability to travel to a paid tour;
- Delay of aircraft or other vehicles at the exit - entry;
- Failure to issue the visa;
- bad weather;

Voluntary accident insurance

Voluntary accident insurance

Общие положения добровольного страхования от несчастных случаевVoluntary accident insurance has two
General provisions for voluntary accident insurance organizational forms. There are individual and group accident insurance. The contract of personal insurance is a natural person and applies to the insured and his family. Under a contract of group insurance as the policyholder is a legal entity, are insured individuals in the life and health of the insurer which has a material interest.
Group insurance contracts are concluded either by employers or associations and societies for the benefit of their members, such as sports clubs, trade unions. Insurance coverage for group insurance contract may be limited to a period of professional or social activities, and may extend to the privacy of the insured, depending on the choice of the insured.

Insurance activities - concept and types

Insurance activities - concept and types


Insurance activities - concept and types
Insurance activities (insurance business) - the sphere of activity of insurers in insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, as well as insurance brokers, insurance actuaries to provide services relating to insurance, reinsurance.
The purpose of the organization of insurance business is to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities, the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities upon the occurrence of insured events.
The objectives of the organization of insurance business are:
implementation of a unified state policy in the field of insurance;
establishing the principles of insurance and the formation of insurance mechanisms to ensure the economic security of citizens and economic entities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

суббота, 30 января 2016 г.

The concept of life insurance

The concept of life insurance


Life insurance - a special and rather complicated kind of insurance. In its consumer properties it is directly adjacent to the adjacent types of personal insurance, as well as the services of other financial institutions - banks, pension funds, mutual funds. Therefore it is very important to understand the distinctive features of life insurance to be able to distinguish it from other similar services.
Definition of Life Insurance
Life insurance is a sub-sector of private insurance and combines several types of insurance. In all of these types of insurance accident linked to the unpredictability of the death of man. Therefore, in general, it can give the following theoretical definition of life insurance:
Life insurance - a combination of types of life insurance, where the insured risk is caused by random duration of human life.
Strictly speaking, these risks are only two:
the risk of death;
the risk of survival up to a certain point in time or event.
Therefore, in the narrow sense is a life insurance coverage these risks individually or in combination in any proportion.
However, life insurance contracts often include risks related types of personal insurance. The result is a comprehensive insurance relating to life insurance and other types of personal insurance. Moreover, when long-term insurance risks such as disability and critical illness also have to take into account mortality. Therefore, these kinds of insurance are also sometimes referred to as life insurance.

 Features personal insurance operations


Features personal inFeatures personal insurance operations
Personal insurance - a form of protection of individuals against the risks that threaten the life of man, his ability to work, to health.
The following types of personal insurance:
Life Insurance;
Insurance against accidents and illnesses;
health insurance.
RF Law "On organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" establishes that the objects of personal insurance may be property interests related to:
survival of citizens to a certain age or period of death, the onset of life of citizens of other events (life insurance);
damage to life and (or) health of citizens, providing them with health care (insurance against accidents and illnesses, health insurance).

Insurable interest in insurance

Insurable interest in insurance


Insurance interest of the insured - a necessary prerequisite for the conclusion of an insurance contract 
The risk that is taken for insurance should be implemented in some form of financial loss, and very easy to advance to warn the situation that a person can insure a house or a car of another person, and after this property will be harmed, he, along with the owner of the property, I would receive the indemnity. Developing this idea further, one would assume a situation where there would not be the slightest obstacle to the fact that a man was walking around the hospital and bought life insurance policies of those people whose health was poor.
  Insurance as an object of interest in insurance
The owner of the property - the insurance carrier of interest.
Property interest - interest in the safety of property, income, health, life, and so on. D.
Insurable interest - the legal right to insurance occurs when a person has a legal relation to property insurance. This means that the person will receive income from the preservation of the property or that he will be harmed in the event of such damage.
Cumulative life and risk insurance

Depending on the possibility of using the savings for classic life insurance is usually divided into two categories:
risky and
endowment insurance.
Regulatory definitions of these two concepts, the division is conditional and based on the established practice of the use of these terms.
Risk life insurance provides financial protection for the family of the insured in the event of his death. In such contracts may be added to insurance against accidents and illness, disability insurance, insurance in case of deadly diseases. Significant savings on the contract is not formed, all the money paid by the client are used to cover these risks and expenses of the insurance company. No payments at the end of the insurance period is not made.
The main type of risk life insurance is term insurance in case of death (in English literature insurance - term life insurance).
Endowment life insurance, as the name implies, is focused on the gradual formation of savings (savings). At the same time it always includes the risk component that provides protection in case of death and other dangers stipulated in the contract.
The most common form of savings insurance is a mixed life insurance (Eng. - Endowment insurance). Payment of the sum insured thereon made in the case of death of the insured during the insurance period or at the end of the term, if the insured person lived to see it. in the contract also includes accident insurance.

Insurance programs

A family
Time insurance
Designed for family caregivers and for those on whom the well-being of others. In the case of leaving the life of the insured, his family receive the insurance payment, which helps them to survive in a difficult situation.
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Endowment insurance
It provides confidence in the present and the future. At the same time protect the financial well-being of the family in case of death and guarantees the creation of savings for the future.
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Insurance fixed-term payments
It allows you to protect the future of the family or to create savings for the benefit of a specific person. This method of saving for a child, in which the recipient of the insurance payment of survivorship is an adult.
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Life insurance
It is intended to create a legacy and a financial reserve for life. Contributions determined by the client. The sum insured will have designated beneficiaries.
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Endowment insurance for adults
Provides a savings target by a certain date. If the program does not include risky options, admission to insurance is carried out under the simplified procedure.
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Insurance apartments

 Insurance apartments


 Insurance apartments - is a special type of insurance in which the insurer pays you a certain amount in the event of loss or damage to your property.
For home insurance in general, and in particular apartments you need a certain set of documents.
Here is a list of documents required in terms of general legislation, but insurance agents if necessary is entitled to request and other documents.
So, for a successful home insurance you need:
clipboard with a sheet of paper on which are tick and pen
identity card or a copy of it. Ideally you need a passport, military ID but also nice;
application form for the insurance of the apartment (the form will be issued by an insurance company);
description of the apartment (the material of the house where it is, its age, number of rooms and size of the apartment). In the classical Insurance is replaced by the data collected by an insurance agent;
Description of personal household property located in the apartment, and it is desirable to have checks on him. Besides the classical type of insurance offers the agent data, and checks are not necessary;

Features personal insurance operations



Features personal insurance operations



With life insurance, you can solve the various problems faced by the man and his family.

For example:
Provide financial protection in case of loss of a breadwinner
Create a guaranteed savings target, for example, for retirement or for a child's education payment
To dispose of legacy and specifically to take care of vulnerable family members
Advantages of life insurance - combined insurance protection and savings, long-term guarantees of the insurance company, which for years takes the obligation to pay the sums insured, regardless of possible future changes in the client's health.
Life insurance can be supplemented by various options: accident insurance, critical illness, disability, etc., as well as additional program, enhancing savings opportunities policy.
Each insurance solution is adjusted individually according to the needs and possibilities of the client.

Fundamentals and characteristics of property insurance

Property insurance is carried out mainly in the form of voluntary insurance, except for the state property leased. Policyholders favor any enterprises and organizations of various organizational and legal forms, as well as individuals. Under contracts of property insurance can be insured by any part of the (Group) property.
Legal and natural persons may insure the property in full his assessment, ie the actual, real value, and in a certain share. With property insurance the insurance sum can not exceed its actual value at the time of conclusion of the contract. Under the intrinsic value of the property is most often understood as replacement (book) value.
In property insurance in the insurance contract at less than full value of the property there are two systems of reparation: the proportional system and the system of reimbursement of the first risk.
When the system of proportional insurance compensation insurer not reimbursed the entire amount of the damage, but only as much interest as far as the insured property. The limit of insurance liability is limited to the sum insured. This system is more common.

Accident insurance

Accident insurance - the kind of personal insurance. It is intended to compensate for damage caused by the loss of health or death of the insured.
It can be carried out in a group (for example, insurance company employees) and individual forms, as well as in the form of voluntary and compulsory insurance (eg, passengers, military personnel and other categories of citizens).
Accident insurance is built on the same principles on which a mixed life insurance. The most important of them - limiting the scope of insurance liability stipulated consequences of an accident that occurred to the insured during the insurance period.
The basis of contracts of insurance against accidents account for short-term views. "Insurance accident", that is, an event that takes into account the terms of the agreement.
Insured are the following events taking place during the term of the insurance contract, confirmed by a certificate of health care setting, and provided "Table insurance amount to be paid in connection with the insurance events":

Classification of personal insurance

Classification of personal insurance
Personal insurance - a form of protection against the risks that threaten the life of man, his ability to work, to health.
Contract of personal insurance - civil law, according to which the insurer undertakes to obtain them through insurance premiums, in the case of an insured event, to indemnify in the specified line damage or make payment of insurance capital, rents, or other specified payments.
Classification of personal insurance is made in different categories.
By volume of risk:
- Insurance of survival or death;
- Disability insurance or disability;
- Medical expenses insurance.
By type of personal insurance:
- life insurance;
- Insurance against accidents.
According to the number of persons specified in the contract:
- Individual insurance;
- Collective insurance.
For the duration of insurance coverage:
- Short-term (less than one year);
- Mid-term (1 - 5 years);
- Long-term (6 - 15 years).
The form of payment of insurance coverage:
- A one-time payment of the sum insured;
- The payment of the sum insured in the form of rent.

The basic concepts of the general conditions of insurance

Insured - a natural or legal person, paying cash contributions and entitled by law or by contract to receive a sum of money when the insured event. The policyholder has an insurable interest in specific. Through an insurable interest implemented specific relationship entered into by the policyholder with the insurer.
Insurer - an organization (legal entity), resulting in insurance, assumes the obligation to indemnify or pay the sum insured, as well as in charge of the establishment and expenditure of the insurance fund. In international insurance practice to refer to the insurer also uses the term underwriter.
Insured - an individual life, health and disability insurance which are the subject of protection. The insured is a natural person in whose favor the insurance agreement.
Insurable interest - a measure of the material interest of the person or entity in insurance. Bearers of insurable interest are the insurers and the insured. With respect to any other insurance available insurance interest is expressed in the value of the insured property.
Insurance amount - the amount by which the insured wealth, life, health and ability to work.
The object of insurance - life, health, disabled citizens - in personal insurance; building, construction vehicles, household goods and other tangible assets - property insurance.

Signs of the economic nature of insurance

Insurance - a way of compensation for damages suffered by a natural or legal person, by means of their distribution among many individuals. Objective need for insurance is caused by the fact that the losses often occur as a result of destructive factors generally beyond the control of the person (forces of nature), in any case, do not involve anyone's civil liability.
Negative manifestations of spontaneous nature of the forces of nature and society related to material losses, to a first approximation are perceived by people as a random event, but their periodic offensive proves that they are objective, logical character associated with the contradictions of economic relations and problems of man-made.

пятница, 29 января 2016 г.

Features of life insurance

Features of life insurance

Life Insurance - the most important component in the system of insurance to protect the interests of citizens. The set of types of life insurance is designed to provide insurance benefits upon the occurrence of social risks in the first place - for the loss of total disability, pension and survivor's family.
These insurance interests to conclude an insurance contract intended destination disability insurance, pension insurance and insurance in case of death. Terms and conditions of life insurance contracts are very diverse. The base contract may be many modifications, which combine a variety of risks in the contract drawn up individually.
Life insurance is a set of types of personal insurance, providing
obligation of the insurer to implement an insurance payment in case of:
• survival of the insured until the end of the insurance period specified in the insurance contract or age;
• death of the insured.
Insurance payments under life insurance contracts in the cases provided for in the insurance contract, may be made to the beneficiary, or heir, or to the insured in the form of periodic insurance benefits - annuities (pensions and annuities) or as a one-time insurance payment. Simultaneously, the law established that the validity of contracts of life insurance may not be less than one year, and in the calculation of insurance rates and the formation of insurance
reserves should be used mortality tables.

Health insurance

Health insurance

Hurt, of course, unpleasant. This restricts freedom at work may cause problems, and lie in bed in good weather is not the most pleasant experience. This disease affects not only human health, but also leads to financial losses: surgery, drugs, various medical research and treatments can be expensive. In this case, if you do not have medical insurance policy, then it's time to draw.
Voluntary health insurance - is:
guarantee safety of your funds, because after purchasing the policy LCA all the costs of medical care under the insurance program carries an insurance company,
Your choice of an insurance program with the necessary volume of medical services in the best medical institutions for you,
ensure that you promptly receive quality medical care, within the framework of the chosen insurance program,
the possibility of the clock to receive free expert advice from the contact center of the insurance company you have on emerging issues, including the organization of the necessary medical care in hospital,
constant monitoring of the quality of services and the protection of your interests in front of the hospital.

Social insurance


Social insurance

One of the objective factors in the development of society is the need for material support of individuals who for some reason do not participate in social activities and can not be at the expense of payment for work to support their existence. For the maintenance of the members of the society directed gross product created specifically segregated society for this purpose. In the context of the functioning of commodity-money relations, this part of the social product is used through the formation and use of certain cash funds. Thus, social insurance - a system of relations, through which funds are generated and spent funds for material support of persons who do not have a physical disability or dispose of, but are unable to implement it for different reasons. Organization of social insurance is based on the following principles: